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The Middle East : problem area in world politics / Halford L. Hoskins
Judul Seri :
Judul Asli :
Isi :
Jenis Bahan : Monograf
Kreator : Hoskins, Halford L.
Penerbitan : Macmillan
No. Panggil : 958 HOS m
Konten Digital : Tidak Tersedia
Ketersediaan : 1 dari 1 Item
Ethiopia : history, culture and challenges / Siegbert Uhlig, David Appleyard, Alessandro Baussi, Wolfgang Hahn, Steven Kaplan
Judul Seri :
Judul Asli :
Isi : Isi : Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa -- Culture contact between Europe and Northeast Africa / Siegbert Uhlig -- The mystery of Ethiopia / Haggai Erlich -- "The most populated mountain" : and introduction / Alain Gascon -- Land and environment -- Geology and geomorphology / Alain Gascon -- Climate / Alain Gascon, Jon Abbink -- Ecology and environment / Alfons Ritler -- Ethiopian biomes / Ib Friis -- Wild flora / Ib Friis -- Cultivated flora / Zemede Asfaw -- Fauna / Afework Bekele, Maija Priess -- Agriculture / Manfred Metz -- Peoples : Introduction / Jan Abbink -- Languages of Ethiopia / David Appleyard -- Tegray / David Appleyard, Wolbert G.C. Smidt -- Amhara / Harald Aspen -- Beta Esrael / Steven Kaplan -- Oromo / Ezekiel Gebissa -- Peoples of northwest Ethiopia: Beni Shangul-Gumuz / Alexander Meckelburg -- Gurage and Selte / Dirk Bustorf -- Hadiyya / Ulrich Brauka¨mper -- Sidaama / Anbessa Teferra -- Somali / Markus Ho¨hne -- Walaytta / Jon Abbink -- Mursi (Mun) / Shauna La Tosky -- Hamar (Amer, Hamer) / Ivo Strecker --History -- Palaeontology and prehistory / Jean Renaud Boisserie -- Pre-Aksumite culture / Rodolfo Fattovich -- Aksumite culture / Rodolfo Fattovich -- History of Aksum / Alessandro Bausi -- Aksum, town and monuments / Matthew C. Curtis -- The Zagwe / Alessandro Bausi -- Solomonic dynasty / Steven Kaplan -- Kingdom and city of Gondar / Andreu Martinez d'Alo`s-Moner -- The era of princes / E´loi Ficquet -- The Ethiopian empire under Tewodros II and Yohannes IV / Bairu Tafla -- Emperor Menilek II / Christopher Clapham -- Emperor Hayla Sellase and his era / Asfa-Wossen Asserate -- Ethiopia after the fall of the emperor / Stefan Bru¨ne -- Selected chronology of Ethiopian history -- Material culture -- The houses / Harald Aspen, Peri Klemm -- Ethiopian handicrafts / Peri Klemm -- Coinage and currency in Ethiopia / Wolfgang Hahn -- Clothing / Michael Gervers -- Food / Steven Kaplan -- Coffee / E´loi Ficquet -- Salt / Wolbert G.C. Smidt -- Chat / Andras Wetter --Intellectual culture -- Writing and script / Rainer Voigt -- Manuscript tradition / David Appleyard -- Ge'ez literature / David Appleyard -- Amharic literature / Magdalena Krzyanowska -- Oromo literature / Giorgio Banti -- Oral literature / Simone Tarsitani -- Christian calendar / Emmanuel Fritsch, Ugo Zanetti -- Islamic calendar / Alessandro Gori -- Oromo calendar / Marco Bassi -- Traditional painting / Marilyn Heldman, Tania Tribe -- Contemporary art / Elisabeth Biasio -- Music / Kay Kaufman Shelemay -- Musical instruments / Ste´phanie Weisser -- Ethiopia and Eritrea in ltierature / Giovanna Trento -- Religion -- History and faith of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church / Getachew Haile -- Organization of the Ethiopian Church / Ste´phane Ancel -- Customs in the Ethiopian Church / Steven Kaplan -- Hagiography and monasticism in the Ethiopian Church / Antonella Brita -- Islam in Ethiopia / Alessandro Gori -- Islam and Islamic reforms / Terje Østebø -- Interfaith relations between Christianity and Islam in Ethiopia / E´loi Ficquet -- Missions / Andreu Martinez d'Alo`s-Moner -- Protestant churches / Johannes Launhardt -- Rastafari / Giulia Bonacci --Society and politics -- Pan-Africanism / Giulia Bonacci, Belete Belachew -- Political systems of Ethiopia / Dereje Feyissa -- Legal systems of Ethiopia / Katrin Seidel -- Modern economy of Ethiopia / Mulatu Wubneh -- Modern education of Ethiopia / Theodore M. Vestal -- Ethiopian health care systems / Pino Schirripa -- Media and communications / Julian Tadesse -- Sports in Ethiopia / Katrin Bromber -- Recent developments -- Ethiopia and its neighbouring states: Djibouthi, Eritrea, Somalia, South Sudan / Nicole Hirt, Stefan Bru¨ne -- Ethiopia's developmental state / Sarah Vaughan -- Emigration and diaspora / Edward A. Alpers, Giulia Bonacci -- Poverty eradication in Ethiopia / Mulatu Wubneh -- Internal and external security: Ethiopian aspects / Mesfin Gebremichael -- Chances and challenges for Ethiopia's development / Cl
Jenis Bahan : Monograf (Teks) (Volume)
Kreator : Uhlig, Siegbert (pengarang -) - (Culture contact between Europe and Northeast Africa)
Erlich, Haggai (pengarang -) - (The mystery of Ethiopia)
Gascon, Alain (pengarang -) - (The most populated mountain : and introduction -- Geology and geomorphology -- Climate -- National parks)
Abbink, Jon (pengarang -) - (Climate -- Walaytta)
Ritler, Alfons (pengarang -) - (Ecology and environment)
Friis, Ib (pengarang -) - (Ethiopian biomes -- Wild flora)
Asfaw, Zemede (pengarang -) - (Cultivated flora)
Bekele, Afework (pengarang -) - (Fauna)
Priess, Maija (pengarang -) - (Fauna -- Lalibala -- Baher Dar -- Dabra Berhan)
Metz, Manfred (pengarang -) - (Agriculture)
Appleyard, David (pengarang -) - (Languages of Ethiopia -- Tegray -- Manuscript tradition -- Ge'ez literature)
Smidt, Wolbert G.C. (pengarang -) - (Tegray -- Salt -- Museums in Ethiopia -- Meqele -- Afar)
Aspen, Harald (pengarang -) - (Amhara)
Kaplan, Steven (pengarang -) - (Beta Esrael -- Solomonic dynasty -- Food -- Customs in the Ethiopian Church -- Addis Ababa)
Ezekiel, Gebissa (pengarang -) - (Oromo)
Meckelburg, Alexander (pengarang -) - (Peoples of northwest Ethiopia: Beni Shangul-Gumuz)
Bustorf, Dirk (pengarang -) - (Gurage and Selte)
Brauka¨mper, Ulrich (pengarang -) - (Hadiyya)
Teferra, Anbessa (pengarang -) - (Sidaama)
Ho¨hne, Markus (pengarang -) - (Somali)
Tosky, Shauna La (pengarang -) - (Mursi (Mun) -- Tourism in Ethiopia)
Strecker, Ivo (pengarang -) - (Hamar (Amer, Hamer))
Boisserie, Jean Renaud (pengarang -) - (Palaeontology and prehistory)
Fattovich, Rodolfo (pengarang -) - (Pre-Aksumite culture -- Aksumite culture)
Bausi, Alessandro (pengarang -) - (History of Aksum --The Zagwe)
Curtis, Matthew C. (pengarang -) - (Aksum, town and monuments)
Moner, Andreu Martinez d'Alo's (pengarang -) - (Kingdom and city of Gondar -- Missions -- Travel and exploration in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa -- Gondar and surrroundings)
Ficquet, E´loi (pengarang -) - (The era of princes -- Coffe -- Interfaith relations between Christianity and Islam in Ethiopia)
Tafla, Bairu (pengarang -) - (The Ethiopian empire under Tewodros II and Yohannes IV)
Clapham, Christopher (pengarang -) - (Emperor Menilek II)
Asserate, Asfa-Wossen (pengarang -) - (Emperor Hayla Sellase and his era)
Bru¨ne, Stefan (pengarang -) - (Ethiopia after the fall of the emperor)
Aspen, Harald (pengarang -) - (The houses)
Klemm, Peri (pengarang -) - (Ethiopian handicrafts -- The houses)
Hahn, Wolfgang (pengarang -) - (Coinage and currency in Ethiopia)
Gervers, Michael (pengarang -) - (Clothing)
Wetter, Andras (pengarang -) - (Chat)
Voigt, Rainer (pengarang -) - (Writing and script)
Zanetti, Ugo (pengarang -) - (Christian calendar)
Krzyanowska, Magdalena (pengarang -) - (Amharic literature)
Banti, Giorgio (pengarang -) - (Oromo literature)
Tarsitani, Simone (pengarang -) - (Oral literature /)
Fritsch, Emmanuel (pengarang -) - (Christian calendar)
Gori, Alessandro (pengarang -) - (Islamic calendar -- Islam in Ethiopia)
Bassi, Marco (pengarang -) - (Oromo calendar)
Heldman, Marilyn (pengarang -) - (Traditional painting)
Tribe, Tania (pengarang -) - (Traditional painting)
Biasio, Elisabeth (pengarang -) - (Contemporary art)
Shelemay, Kay Kaufman (pengarang -) - (Music)
Weisser, Ste´phanie (pengarang -) - (Musical instruments)
Trento, Giovanna (pengarang -) - (Ethiopia and Eritrea in ltierature)
Haile, Getachew (pengarang -) - (History and faith of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church)
Ancel, Ste´phane (pengarang -) - (Organization of the Ethiopian Church)
Brita, Antonella (pengarang -) - (Hagiography and monasticism in the Ethiopian Church)
Østebø, Terje (pengarang -) - (Islam and Islamic reforms)
Launhardt, Johannes (pengarang -) - (Protestant churches)
Bonacci, Giulia (pengarang -) - (Rastafari -- Pan-Africanism -- Emigration and diaspora)
Belachew, Belete (pengarang -) - (Rastafari -- Pan-Africanism)
Feyissa, Dereje (pengarang -) - (Political systems of Ethiopia)
Seidel, Katrin (pengarang -) - (Legal systems of Ethiopia)
Wubneh, Mulatu (pengarang -) - (Modern economy of Ethiopia -- Poverty eradication in Ethiopia)
Vestal, Theodore M. (pengarang -) - (Modern education of Ethiopia)
Schirripa, Pino (pengarang -) - (Ethiopian health care systems)
Tadesse, Julian (pengarang -) - (Media and communications)
Bromber, Katrin (pengarang -) - (Sports in Ethiopia)
Hirt, Nicole (pengarang -) - (Ethiopia and its neighbouring states: Djibouthi, Eritrea, Somalia, South Sudan)
Bru¨ne, Stefan (pengarang -) - (Ethiopia and its neighbouring states: Djibouthi, Eritrea, Somalia, South Sudan)
Vaughan, Sarah (pengarang -) - (Ethiopia's developmental state)
Alpers, Edward A. (pengarang -) - (Emigration and diaspora)
Gebremichael, Mesfin (pengarang -) - (Internal and external security: Ethiopian aspects)
Knoop, Claas (pengarang -) - (Chances and challenges for Ethiopia's development)
Gabbert, Echi Christian (pengarang -) - (Tourism in Ethiopia)
Garretson, Peter (pengarang -) - (Addis Ababa)
Bo¨ll, Verena (pengarang -) - (Historic route)
Seyoum, Seltene (pengarang -) - (Baher Dar)
Wagner, Ewald (pengarang -) - (Harar)
Alehegne, Mersha (pengarang -) - (Dabra Berhan)
Penerbitan : Michigan State University Press
No. Panggil : 963 UHL e
Konten Digital : Tidak Tersedia
Ketersediaan : 2 dari 2 Item
Djeroek / door M. M. Magielse ; disalin oleh M. Rasjad
Judul Seri : Serie ;
Judul Asli :
Isi :
Jenis Bahan : Monograf
Kreator : Magielse, M. M.
Rasjad, M.
Penerbitan : Balai Poestaka,
No. Panggil : B : - 484 no. 1419
B : - 484 no. 1419
Konten Digital : Tidak Tersedia
Ketersediaan : 2 dari 2 Item
Tanah air : kota dan kabupaten Bandung / oleh M. Srawana, M. Sumawidjaja, M. Gandaprawira
Judul Seri :
Judul Asli :
Isi :
Jenis Bahan : Monograf
Kreator : Srawana, M.
Sumawidjaja, M.
Gandaprawira, M.
Penerbitan : Budi Pustaka
No. Panggil : 693 / 1957
693 / 1957
Konten Digital : Tidak Tersedia
Ketersediaan : 1 dari 1 Item
Judul Seri : Seri Marco Polo
Judul Asli :
Isi : Isi : Peta France 1 : 800 000 -- Ajaccio 1 : 200 m -- Avignon 1 : 200 m -- Bordeaux 1 : 300 m -- Brest 1 : 300 m -- Cannes 1 : 300 m -- Grenoble 1 : 300 m -- Le Havre 1 : 300 m -- Lile 1 : 300 m -- Lyon 1 : 300 m -- Marseille 1 : 300 m -- Monaco-Ville 1 : 200 m -- Nantes 1 : 300 m -- Nice 1 : 500 m -- Nimes 1 : 200 m -- Paris 1 : 400 m -- Reims 1 : 300 m -- Strasbourg 1 : 300 m -- Toulouse 1 : 300 m
Jenis Bahan : Bahan Kartografis (citra kartografi) (lembar)
Kreator : MairDumont (pembuat peta)
Penerbitan : MairDumont
No. Panggil : 912.44 FRA
Konten Digital : Tidak Tersedia
Ketersediaan : 1 dari 1 Item
Ratjika basa / M. Mardjana lan M. Samoed Sastrowardojo
Judul Seri :
Judul Asli :
Isi :
Jenis Bahan : Monograf (teks) (volume)
Kreator : Mardjana, M.
Samoed Sastrowardojo, M.
Penerbitan : J.B. Wolter,
No. Panggil : 287/57
Konten Digital : Tidak Tersedia
Ketersediaan : 1 dari 1 Item
Pengetahuan alam / B. M. Adnan, M. Crijns, M. J. M. Scheffers
Judul Seri :
Judul Asli :
Isi :
Jenis Bahan : Monograf
Kreator : Adnan, B. M.
Crijns, M.
Scheffers, M.J.M.
Penerbitan : J. B. Wolters
No. Panggil : 17 / 52
Konten Digital : Tidak Tersedia
Ketersediaan : 1 dari 1 Item
Al-qur'an dan filsafat / (Penuntun mempelajari filsafat Islam) / M. Yusuf Musa; alih bahasa, M. Thalib; editor, M Rusli Karim
Judul Seri :
Judul Asli :
Isi :
Jenis Bahan : Monograf
Kreator : Musa, M. Yusuf
Rusli Karim, M 1952-
Thalib, M
Penerbitan : Tiara Wacana
No. Panggil : 297.61 MUS a
297.61 MUS a
Konten Digital : Tidak Tersedia
Ketersediaan : 2 dari 2 Item
Menampilkan 1 - 9.432 dari 94.311 hasil
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>

Jumlah Data : 94.311
lebih Spesifik :

Jenis Bahan

  • Monograf 82.247
  • Rekaman Suara 2.470
  • Bentuk Mikro 2.282
  • Terbitan Berkala 2.066
  • Bahan Campuran 1.794
  • Sumber Elektronik 1.557
  • Bahan Kartografis 798
  • Manuskrip 450
  • Rekaman Video 443
  • Braille 200


  • Indonesia 57.194
  • ind 10.800
  • Inggris 10.475
  • Belanda 2.074
  • Perancis 1.976
  • Jerman 647
  • eng 577
  • Jawa 459
  • dut 326
  • Sunda 142


  • Perpustakaan Nasional 2.397
  • Indonesia 1.559
  • United Nations 1.086
  • Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa 887
  • Yayasan Idayu 636
  • Universitas Indonesia 404
  • Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia 245
  • Yayasan Mitra Netra 221
  • Universitas Terbuka 186
  • Dadan Ramadhan 172


  • Elex Media Komputindo 1.516
  • Perpustakaan Nasional RI 1.390
  • Deepublish 1.141
  • Gramedia Pustaka Utama 982
  • United Nations Security Council 743
  • Societe Asiatique 736
  • CSIS 684
  • Erlangga 647
  • IPPHOS 636
  • Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 586

Lokasi Terbitan

  • Jakarta 25.524
  • Yogyakarta 8.908
  • Jakarta : 5.777
  • Bandung 4.986
  • New York 3.608
  • Surabaya 2.248
  • Yogyakarta : 1.655
  • Paris 1.579
  • London 1.479
  • Depok 1.254

Tahun Terbit

  • 2018 7.789
  • 2019 7.239
  • 2017 5.814
  • 2016 4.737
  • 2020 4.138
  • 2015 2.606
  • 2007 2.128
  • 2006 2.114
  • 2014 2.026
  • 2010 2.021


  • Fiksi Indonesia 2.959
  • Indonesia 1.848
  • Komik, Bacaan 1.785
  • Puisi Indonesia 1.153
  • Cerita pendek Indonesia 986
  • Islam 930
  • Disertasi akademik 824
  • Surat kabar 819
  • Musik populer 807
  • Matematika 777