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Jenis Bahan Monograf
Judul Sejarah Sumatera = The History of Sumatra : mencakup peran pemerintah, hukum, adat istiadat dan tata cara kehidupan penduduk lokal, dilengkapi deskripsi tentang hasil alam dan hubungannya dengan kekuasaan politik kuno di pulau Sumatera / William Marsden ; penerjemah, Sutrisno ; penyunting, Daru Wijayanti
Judul Asli The History of Sumatra, containing an account of the goverment, laws, custem, and manners of the native inhabitants, with a description of the natural, production and a relationsof the ancient political state of that island
Judul Seragam
Pengarang William Marsden
Daru Wijayanti
Edisi Cet. 1
Pernyataan Seri
Penerbitan Yogyakarta : Indoliterasi, 2016
Deskripsi Fisik iv, 714 hlm. : ilus. ; 23 cm.
Jenis Isi
Jenis Media
Jenis Wadah
Informasi Teknis
ISBN 978-602-0869-93-3
Subjek Sumatera -- Sejarah
Catatan Judul asli : The History of Sumatra : containing an account of the goverment, laws, custom, and manners of the native inhabitants, with a description of the natural, production and a relations of the ancient political state of that island
Bahasa Indonesia
Bentuk Karya Bukan fiksi
Target Pembaca Umum
Lokasi Akses Online

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