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Judul HBR guide to managing strategic initiatives
Judul Asli
Judul Seragam
Pengarang Knight, Rebecca (pengarang -) - (From idea to pitch: A guide to winning support for your new idea or project--persistence is key)
Rimm, Allison (pengarang -) - (How to keep support for your project from evaporating: don't rely on personal relationships alone)
Sheen, Ray (pengarang -) - (You've pitched your initiative-what's next?: whether you're full-speed ahead or back to the drawing board)
Scott, Sam Bodley (pengarang -) - (Evaluating and prioritizing a strategic portfolio: Which initiatives should you implement?: projects should be evaluated rigorously and rationally)
Brache, Alan P. (pengarang -) - (Evaluating and prioritizing a strategic portfolio: Which initiatives should you implement?: projects should be evaluated rigorously and rationally)
Lidow, Derek (pengarang -) - (A better way to set strategic priorities: it doesn't involve rank ordering them)
Hollister, Rose (pengarang -) - (Too many projects: root out the causes of initiative overload)
Watkins, Michael D. (pengarang -) - (Too many projects: root out the causes of initiative overload)
Katz, Keith (pengarang -) - (The initiative portfolio review process: maximize your "return on initiatives.")
Manzione, Travis (pengarang -) - (The initiative portfolio review process: maximize your "return on initiatives.")
Schlesinger, Leonard A. (pengarang -) - (Launching and implementing initiatives: New project? Don't analyze-act: act, learn, and build your way into the future)
Kiefer, Charles F. (pengarang -) - (Launching and implementing initiatives: New project? Don't analyze-act: act, learn, and build your way into the future)
Brown, Paul B. CB-D.9 2018-1188(1) (pengarang -) - (Launching and implementing initiatives: New project? Don't analyze-act: act, learn, and build your way into the future)
Sheen, Ray (pengarang -) - (Monitoring and controlling your project: a 5-step refresher on the most critical aspects of managing projects)
Furr, Nathan (pengarang -) - (Building a transformative team: assemble the right players to thrive in uncertainty)
Nell, Kyle (pengarang -) - (Building a transformative team: assemble the right players to thrive in uncertainty)
Ramsøy, Thomas Zoe¨ga (pengarang -) - (Building a transformative team: assemble the right players to thrive in uncertainty)
Edmondson, Amy C. (pengarang -) - (Teamwork on the fly: execute and learn at the same time)
Matta, Nadim F. (pengarang -) - (Why good projects fail anyway: break huge initiatives into manageable pieces)
Sato, Yuki Ashkenas, Ron (penulis) (pengarang -) - (Why good projects fail anyway: break huge initiatives into manageable pieces)
Jack Zenger (pengarang -) - (4 ways to be more effective at execution: the most important skill to keep an initiative on track)
Folkman, Joseph (pengarang -) - (4 ways to be more effective at execution: the most important skill to keep an initiative on track)
1188/DM/D/2018 Darling, Marilyn (pengarang -) - (Learning in the thick of it: use AARs to aid future success)
Parry, Charles 201800101094912 (pengarang -) - (Learning in the thick of it: use AARs to aid future success)
Moore, Joseph (pengarang -) - (Learning in the thick of it: use AARs to aid future success)
Brown, Joe (pengarang -) - (How to hand off an innovation project from one team to another: don't let great ideas die in the execution phase)
Holweg, Matthias (pengarang -) - (Making process improvements stick: why some initiatives endure and some others don't)
Staats, Bradley (pengarang -) - (Making process improvements stick: why some initiatives endure and some others don't)
Upton, David M. (pengarang -) - (Making process improvements stick: why some initiatives endure and some others don't)
Royer, Isabell E. (pengarang -) - (Your initiative needs an "exit champion": prevent struggling projects from becoming money pits)
Horan, Simon (pengarang -) - (Good strategy execution requires balancing 4 tensions: begin with creativity versus discipline)
Connerty, Michael (pengarang -) - (Good strategy execution requires balancing 4 tensions: begin with creativity versus discipline)
Reeves, Martin (pengarang -) - (Your strategy has to be flexible-but so does your execution: strategy and execution should never be separate)
di Carlo, Rodolphe Charme (pengarang -) - (Your strategy has to be flexible-but so does your execution: strategy and execution should never be separate)
Pernyataan Seri
Penerbitan Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press, 2020
Copyright 2020 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation
Deskripsi Fisik xiii, 235 halaman : ilustrasi ; 23 cm
Jenis Isi teks
Jenis Media tanpa perantara
Jenis Wadah volume
Informasi Teknis
ISBN 978-1-63369-818-5
Subjek Manajemen proyek
Perencanaan strategis
Sukses dalam bisnis
Abstrak The HBR Guide to Managing Strategic Initiatives memberikan tip dan saran praktis untuk membantu Anda mengelola semua tahapan siklus hidup inisiatif, mulai dari penerimaan hingga peluncuran, implementasi hingga peningkatan atau pengurangan. Anda akan belajar bagaimana untuk: meluncurkan sebuah inisiatif dengan cara yang memaksimalkan peluang keberhasilannya; kumpulkan tim yang siap tampil; kumpulkan sumber daya yang Anda butuhkan; tetap sesuai jadwal dan sesuai anggaran; hindari kehilangan momentum setelah inisiatif berjalan dan berjalan; menjaga kepercayaan sponsor dan pemangku kepentingan; menerapkan strategi.
Catatan Indeks
Termasuk bibliografi
Isi : Section 1. From idea to pitch: A guide to winning support for your new idea or project--persistence is key / Rebecca Knight -- How to keep support for your project from evaporating: don't rely on personal relationships alone / Allison Rimm -- You've pitched your initiative-what's next?: whether you're full-speed ahead or back to the drawing board / Ray Sheen -- Section 2. Evaluating and prioritizing a strategic portfolio: Which initiatives should you implement?: projects should be evaluated rigorously and rationally / Sam Bodley Scott and Alan P. Brache -- A better way to set strategic priorities: it doesn't involve rank ordering them / Derek Lidow -- Too many projects: root out the causes of initiative overload / Rose Hollister and Michael D. Watkins -- The initiative portfolio review process: maximize your "return on initiatives." / Keith Katz and Travis Manzione -- Rebalance your initiative portfolio: think like an investment manager to manage risk and maximize performance / Peter Lacasse -- Section 3. Launching and implementing initiatives: New project? Don't analyze-act: act, learn, and build your way into the future / Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer, Paul B. Brown -- Monitoring and controlling your project: a 5-step refresher on the most critical aspects of managing projects / Ray Sheen -- Building a transformative team: assemble the right players to thrive in uncertainty / Nathan Furr, Kyle Nell, Thomas Zoe¨ga Ramsøy -- Teamwork on the fly: execute and learn at the same time / Amy C. Edmondson -- Why good projects fail anyway: break huge initiatives into manageable pieces / Nadim F. Matta and Ron Ashkenas -- Section 4. Maintaining momentum and overcoming challenges: 4 ways to be more effective at execution: the most important skill to keep an initiative on track / Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman -- Learning in the thick of it: use AARs to aid future success / Marilyn Darling, Charles Parry, and Joseph Moore -- How to hand off an innovation project from one team to another: don't let great ideas die in the execution phase / Joe Brown -- Making process improvements stick: why some initiatives endure and some others don't / research from Matthias Holweg, Bradley Staats, and David M. Upton -- Your initiative needs an "exit champion": prevent struggling projects from becoming money pits / Isabell E. Royer -- Section 5. Keeping strategy and execution aligned: Good strategy execution requires balancing 4 tensions: begin with creativity versus discipline / Simon Horan and Michael Connerty -- 5 Ways the best companies close the strategy-execution gap: test and learn, then test some more / Michael Mankins -- Your strategy has to be flexible-but so does your execution: strategy and execution should never be separate / Martin Reeves and Rodolphe Charme di Carlo.
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