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Jenis Bahan Monograf
Judul Kiat menulis artikel IPTEK populer di media cetak / Markus G. Subiyakto ; editor, Made Suartika
Judul Asli
Judul Seragam
Pengarang Markus G. Subiyakto, 1957-
Made Suartika
Edisi Cet. 1
Pernyataan Seri
Penerbitan Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1993.
Deskripsi Fisik viii, 135 hlm. : 21 cm.
Jenis Isi
Jenis Media
Jenis Wadah
Informasi Teknis
ISBN 979-511-913-3
Subjek Penulisan teknis
Bahasa Indonesia
Bentuk Karya Bukan fiksi
Target Pembaca Umum
Lokasi Akses Online

Karya Terkait

  • Ask and tell : A two-way communication approach to english language learning, / Editors, Pamela Ferguson, I Made Markus
  • Some effects of the functional-national and structural syllabuses on the English achievement of the first semester students of the Satya Wacana English Departement /oleh I Made Markus
  • Nur Al-Mushalli
  • Mawa'izh
  • Creative English for Indonesia :Workbook /J.C. Richards dan I Made Markus
  • Creative English for Indonesia /J.C. Richards ; assited by I Made Markus
  • Ask and tell : a two way communication approach to English language learning / editor, Pamela Ferguson, I Made Markus
  • Teknik penulisan featur :(karangan khas) /Andi Baso Mappatoto ; editor, Made Suartika, Danan Priyatmoko
  • Panduan penyusunan proposal penelitian dan skripsi/ Dr. I Made Kartika.,SE.,MMA; I Made Adi Suwandana,SE.,MM
  • Some effects of the funcional-national and structural syllabuses on the English achievement of the first semester students of satya wacana English departement / oleh I Made Markus