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Judul Handbook of the management of creativity and innovation : theory and practice / Editors, Min Tang, Christian H. Werner
Judul Asli
Judul Seragam
Pengarang Tang, Min, 1975- (editor) (penulis) - (The 4P's creativiy model and its application in different fields - Interdisiplinary and intercultural approaches to creativity and innovation : example of EMCI ERASMUS Intensives Program - Evaluation of training inniatives about the management of creativity and innovation : practice of an intensive Programs - Essentials of the Management of creativity and innovation in Education, business, and engineering)
Werner, Christian H., 1961- (editor) (penulis) - (Interdisiplinary and intercultural approaches to creativity and innovation : example of EMCI ERASMUS Intensives Program - Essentials of the Management of creativity and innovation in Education, business, and engineering)
Joos, Ines (penulis) - (Evaluation of training inniatives about the management of creativity and innovation : practice of an intensive Programs)
Hecker, Achim (penulis) - (The future of management of innovation : trends and challenges/)
Huber, Franz (penulis) - (The future of management of innovation : trends and challenges/)
Kinkeldey, Maximilian (penulis) - (Legal aspects of creativity and innovation : a burden, a neccessary evil or achance? an introduction into the protections of creativity and innovation)
Binninger, Franz-Michael (penulis) - (Managing the diffusion of innovation - Innovation management for products and process in automobile industry: example BMW)
Huettl, Thomas (penulis) - (Creativity and innovation systems in engeineering : comparison of Germany and Spain - The 4P's creativiy and innovaton in engineering)
Marchall, Joaquin Moreno (penulis) - (Creativity and innovation systems in engeineering : comparison of Germany and Spain - Creative process in engineering : metods, tools, and the management implications)
Shiu, Eric (penulis) - (Good practice of creativity and innovation in bussines - Innovation management for products and process in automobile industry: example BMW)
Rathmayer, Sabine Se penulis - (The 4P's creativiy and innovaton in engineering)
Bonacina, Andreas (penulis) - (Innovation management for products and process in automobile industry: example BMW)
Reichert, Andreas (penulis) - (The management of creativity and innovation : is it possible and how?)
Schmidt, Joel (penulis) - (Creativity and Innovation in education : comparisons of Germany and Spain - Effective management of creativity and innovation in education theories and best practices)
Pavon, Francisco (penulis) - (Creativity and Innovation in education : comparisons of Germany and Spain - The use of ICT and the 4P's creativity and innovation in education)
Pavon, Manuel (penulis) - (The use of ICT and the 4P's creativity and innovation in education)
Gruszka, Aleksandra (penulis) - (Biological and socila foundations of creativity and innovation - The 4P's creativiy model and its application in different fields)
Dobroczynski, Bartlomiej (penulis) - (Biological and socila foundations of creativity and innovation)
Pernyataan Seri
Penerbitan New Jersey : World Scientific, 2017
© 2017
Deskripsi Fisik xxv, 393 halaman : ilustrasi ; 25 cm.
Jenis Isi teks
Jenis Media tanpa perantara
Jenis Wadah volume
Informasi Teknis
ISBN 978-981-3141-87-2
Subjek Kemampuan kreatif
Inovasi teknologi - Manajemen
Abstrak Buku ini merupakan kumpulan tulisan mengenai teori dan praktek kemampuan dan inovasi manajemen efektifkontribusi dari suatu grup pakar Eropa dari berbagai bidang psikologi, pendidikan, bisnis, teknik dan hukum. Adaptasi dengan pendekatan berbagai disiplin ilmu dan antar kebudayaan, buku ini menyajikannya dalam perspektif teoritis dan praktis bagaiamana mengelola kemampuan kreatif dan inovasi teknologi secara efektif. Penulis dari berbagai disipilin ilmu ini sanagat menguntungkan dalam memberikan pemahaman terhadap kreativitas dan inovasi. BUku ni sangat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa, guru, peneliti, dan manager yang memiliki minat terhadap kreativitas, perilaku inovatif dan manajemen itu sendiri.
Catatan Indeks
Termasuk bibliografi
1. Creativity and Innovation : basic concepts and approach/Min Tang - 2. Biological and socila foundations of creativity and innovation/Aleksandra Gruzska and Bartlomiej Dobroczynski - 3. The 4P's creativiy model and its application in different fields /Aleksandra Gruzska and Min Tang - 4. Interdisiplinary and intercultural approaches to creativity and innovation : example of EMCI ERASMUS Intensives Program /Min Tang and Christian H. Werner - 5. The use of ICT and the 4P's creativity and innovation in education/ Manuel Pavon and Francisco Pavon - 6. Effective management of creativity and innovation in education theories and best practices/Joel Schmidt - 7. Creativity and Innovation in education : comparisons of Germany and Spain/ Joel Schmidt and Francisco Pavon - 8.The management of creativity and innovation : is it possible and how?/ Andreas Reichert - 9- Good practice of creativity and innovation in bussines/Eric Shiu - 10. Innovation management for products and process in automobile industry: example BMW/Eric Shiu, Andreas Bonacia, Franz-Michael Binninger - 11. The 4P's creativiy and innovaton in engineering/Thomas Huettl and Sabine Rathmayer - 12 Creative process in engineering : metods, tools, and the management implications / Joaquin Moreno Marchall - 13. Creativity and innovation systems in engeineering : comparison of Germany and Spain/ Thomas Huettl and Joaquin Moreno Marchall - 14. Evaluation of training inniatives about the management of creativity and innovation : practice of an intensive Programs/ Min Tang and Ines Joos - 15. Managing the diffusion of innovations/Franz-Michael Binninger - 16. Legal aspects of creativity and innovation : a burden, a neccessary evil or achance? an introduction into the protections of creativity and innovation/ Maximilian Kinkeldey - 17. The future of management of innovation : trends and challenges/ Achim Hecker and Franz Huber - 18. Essentials of the Management of creativity and innovation in Education, business, and engineering/ Christian H. Werner and Min Tang
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