Beresford, Annete Edith. (1991). Perihal transmisi budaya musik dan tari di pedesaan Bali [bentuk mikro] / Annete Edith Beresford. Washington, D.C. :: Library of Congress Photo Duplication Service ; a Jakarta : The LC Office,.
Beresford, Annete Edith. Perihal transmisi budaya musik dan tari di pedesaan Bali [bentuk mikro] / Annete Edith Beresford. Washington, D.C. :: Library of Congress Photo Duplication Service ; a Jakarta : The LC Office,, 1991
Beresford, Annete Edith. Perihal transmisi budaya musik dan tari di pedesaan Bali [bentuk mikro] / Annete Edith Beresford. Washington, D.C. :: Library of Congress Photo Duplication Service ; a Jakarta : The LC Office,, 1991.